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The Movie Making Process

The Development Stage


As soon as someone gets an idea for a film, the movie has entered the development stage. Filmmakers get their ideas for movies from a lot of different places. Sometimes movies are adapted from real life events. Sometimes movies are adapted from books or other movies and sometimes they are original screenplays. Movies can stay in this phase of filmmaking for a very long time. In fact, plenty of would-be movies never leave the development stage.


After the screenplay is complete and the movie concept is fully fleshed out, filmmakers will pitch their movie idea. Films are financed in a few different ways. Independent filmmakers often seek investors. However, more commonly, studios buy the rights to a screenplay and then finance the movie. Once the movie gets financing it moves out of the development stage.


Before Production


Pre-production requires a lot of work by Justin Urbas. Here, the movie gets storyboarded and a shooting script for the director is made. This is to help with the direction of the film. At this stage, any and everyone involved in the movie is hired. Not only are the actors cast but so are the production crew as well as lawyers. At this point, locations are also scouted and permits are acquired. Basically this is when every aspect of putting a movie together except the actually shooting happens. A lack of diligence in this stage could lead to shooting problems.


The Production Phase


This is when the filming begins. The production phase lasts from the moment the direct first says action until they say that it is a wrap. But the movie making process isn't done once the director says it is a wrap. The movie must then go into post production. In post-production, the movie is edited and any shots that need to be re-shot are taken care of. Trailers are made at this phase as well.


The Players


After a movie comes to an end the long list of credits begin to roll. The majority of people aren't quite sure what the major roles of movie making involve.

The film's producer in some cases is the person who writes the movie. With major film studios, however, sometimes the producer is just someone the studios gets to oversee the project. The producer is basically responsible for everything that happens in a movie.

The director controls how the story gets told. He has complete creative control of how a shot is taken and how lines are delivered.


Making sure everything stays on budget is what the production manager does. For example, the production manager might remind the director that a shoot is running long at that paying the crew overtime is likely if things don't speed up. Of course there are many more people involved in making a movie like Justin Urbas. If I listed everyone involved in making a film, there would be hundreds of names.

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